It’s no secret that fans of Marvel have been captivated by the character Loki, Thor’s trickster brother portrayed by Tom Hiddleston.
And now with his own show on Disney+, Loki continues to win over fan hearts with his mischievous charm and never ending quest to redeem himself.
Whether it’s a heart-melting confession or a quip filled with cynicism, Loki, Mobius, Sylvie, and friends consistently dish out one-liners worth pondering over in this brilliant show.
Let’s take a journey through the best Loki series quotes in celebration of Season 2 on Disney+.
SPOILER ALERT: This post may contain spoilers to movie or show plots.
Glorious Purpose: Season 1, Episode 1

Did you ever wonder where Loki was off to when he stole the Tesseract in Avengers: Endgame?
Well, you’re in luck because his self-titled series kicks off with the answer to this very question!
Our favorite God of Mischief is back and he’s causing trouble once again – because what else would he be doing?
Loki’s escape isn’t long-lived, as he’s quickly caught by the Time Variance Authority, aka TVA.
Who’s that? You’ll have to watch to find out!
One thing’s for certain, this episode neither disappoints nor lacks in action. Exciting, isn’t it?
Here are the best quotes and key moments from season 1, episode 1 – Glorious Purpose.
For all time. Always.
You’ll here this slogan again and again throughout the series. But we first hear it from Miss Minutes in the very first episode.
I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose.
Loki confidently states his name and lets everyone know how important he is.
And boy are we about to find out he has no control over his destiny or purpose at all.
You weren’t born to be King, Loki.
Mobius takes it upon himself to take Loki down a peg. I mean, someone has to do it, right?
And I don’t get the sense that Mobius was being intentionally rude or trying to piss him off. It came off more like a concerned friend who is honest, but gentle.
You weren’t born to be King, Loki. You were born to cause pain and suffering and death. That’s how it is. That’s how it will be. All so that others can achieve the best versions of themselves.
Welcome to the Time Variance Authority!
The TVA is run very much like a stereotypical corporate office. In season 1, episode 1, Loki is forced to watch an onboarding video for TVA prisoners before he stands before the judge.
Welcome to the Time Variance Authority! I’m Miss Minutes and it’s my job to catch you up before you stand trial for your crimes. So let’s not waste another minute. Settle in, sharpen your pencils, and check this out!
Miss Minutes
Give me the Tesseract or I’ll gut you like a fish, Casey!
Spoken like the villain we know him to be, Loki threatens TVA receptionist Casey with a gruesome death.
Except Casey has no idea what a fish even is! This is one of our first clues that not all is well at the TVA.
Loki: What’s your name?
Casey: Casey.
Loki: Give me the Tesseract or I’ll gut you like a fish, Casey!
Casey: What’s a fish?
Loki: How do you now know what a fish is?
Casey: I’ve lived my entire life behind a desk.
Loki: Well, what difference does it make?
Casey: I wanna know exactly what I’m being threatened with before I comply.
Loki: Death, Casey. Violent, painful death!
Casey: Okay, okay. I comply, I comply, I comply. Jeez!
Is this an infinity stone? How do you have this?
After their scuffle earlier in the episode, Casey is walking Loki around. As he pulls open his desk drawer, Loki spots a TON of infinity stones.
Yeah. THOSE infinity stones.
The ones the Avengers went back in time for, even to the point of giving up their existence.
And here they are, just stashed away in a receptionist’s desk drawer, not even locked up.
Loki: Is this an infinity stone? How do you have this?
Casey: Oh, we use them as paperweights.
It’s not your story, Mr. Laufeyson. It never was.
As Loki stands before Judge Renslayer, he scoffs at her judgement and insists he’s in charge. But Judge Renslayer reminds him he is most definitely not.
Loki: You ridiculous bureaucrats will not dictate how my story ends!
Judge Renslayer: It’s not your story, Mr. Laufeyson. It never was.
Are you guilty or not, Sir?
Judge Renslayer point blank asks Loki if he is guilty of messing with the Sacred Timeline.
Of course, Loki says no. Mainly because he thinks this whole timeline business is ridiculous.
Judge Renslayer: Are you guilty or not, Sir?
Loki: Guilty of being the God of Mischief? Yes. Guilty of finding all this incredibly tedious? Yes. Guilty of a crime against the Sacred Timeline? Absolutely not. You have the wrong person.
More quotes from season 1, episode 1
Here are a few more fun quotes and moments from Loki season 1, episode 1 – Glorious Purpose.
Now hang on just a minute! – Loki
Absolutely not! This is fine Asgardian leather! – Loki
I can’t believe you were D.B. Cooper! – Mobius to Loki
Look, I can’t offer you salvation. But I can offer you something better. – Mobius
Thanks for visiting the TVA. Don’t hesitate to let us know how we’re doing! – Miss Minutes
Time keepers? The sacred timeline? Who actually believes this bunkum? – Loki to Miss Minutes
On behalf of the Time Variance Authority, I hereby arrest you for crimes against the Sacred Timeline. Hands up. You’re coming with us. – Hunter B-15
It’s been a very long day and I think I’ve had my fill of idiots in armored suits telling me what to do. So if you don’t mind, this is actually your last chance. Now get out of my way. – Loki to Hunter B-15
Mobius: You’ve always lived within your set path.
Loki: I live within whatever path I choose!
Mobius: It’s funny…for someone born to rule, you sure do lose a lot. You might even say it’s in your nature.
Loki: You know, things didn’t turn out so well for the last person who said that to me.
Mobius: Oh yeah. Phil Coulson.
Clerk: Please sign to verify this is everything you’ve ever said.
Loki: What?
Clerk: Sign this too.
Loki: This is absurd!
Clerk: And this.
Clerk: Please confirm to your knowledge that you are not a fully robotic being, were born an organic creature, and do in fact possess what many creatures call a soul.
Loki: What? To my knowledge? Do a lot of people not know if they’re robots?
Clerk: Thank you for your confirmation. Please move through.
Loki: What if I was a robot and I didn’t know it?
Clerk: The machine would melt you from the inside out. Please move along, Sir.
The Variant: Season 1, Episode 2

We’ve got another juicy episode of Loki on our hands and it’s only two episodes in!
In episode two, appropriately titled The Variant, the show dives deeper into the world of the TVA, where they’re on the hunt for different variants of the God of Mischief.
Our favorite antagonist, Loki, is tasked with helping Agent Mobius track down a particularly tricky variant who seems to have it out for the TVA.
And of course, we can’t forget about the no-nonsense Hunter B-15 who keeps Loki in line while they go on their adventure.
As always, they encounter some mind-bending twists and turns. All I can say is, buckle up, because this episode is a wild ride from start to finish.
Here are the best quotes and key moments from season 1, episode 2, The Variant.
No one bad is ever truly bad. And no one good is ever truly good.
Loki always seems to be failing, miserably, even when trying to redeem himself. I think at his core, he doesn’t feel like a bad person. He just wants to be understood. To be loved.
He believes that people can change and there’s a little bit of good and bad in everyone.
I’d never stab anyone in the back. That’s such a boring form of betrayal.
Mobius makes it clear that he isn’t about to trust Loki due to his past shady behavior.
Loki: I’d never stab anyone in the back. That’s such a boring form of betrayal.
Mobius: Loki, I’ve studied almost every moment of your entire life. You’ve literally stabbed people in the back, like, 50 times.
Loki: Well I’d never do it again because it got old!
More quotes from season 1, episode 2
Here are a few more fun quotes from season 1, episode 2 – The Variant.
God, now I understand why Thor found this so annoying. – Loki
Why is it the people you can’t trust are always saying “trust me”? – Mobius
Just because I have to work with you doesn’t mean I wanna hear your voice. – Sylvie to Loki
The Time Variance Authority and the gods of Asgard, one and the same. Drunk with power, blinded to the truth. Those you underestimate will devour you. – Loki
You know, some things, actually most things, in history are kind of dumb and everything gets ruined eventually. But in the early 90s, for a brief, shining moment, there was a beautiful union of form and function, which we call the jet-ski, and a reasonable man cannot differ. – Mobius to Loki
Lamentis: Season 1, Episode 3

Oh, Loki, you mischievous scamp. Season 1, episode 3, aka Lamentis, was a wild ride full of apocalyptic events.
Our favorite trickster found himself stranded on a planet that was about to be destroyed, with none other than Sylvie as his companion.
As they tried to find a way off the doomed world, their bickering and banter had us living for every moment.
Oh, and did I mention the incredible action sequences? This episode had it all – drama, humor, and even a little bit of heart.
Give it a watch, and you’ll see what I mean. Don’t worry, I won’t give away too many spoilers.
I’m not Loki, after all. Or am I?
Here are the best quotes and key moments from season 1, episode 3 – Lamentis.
What exactly makes a Loki a Loki?
Sylvie, who is a Loki variant, wrestles with the idea of variants. She insists she is her own person, with her own destiny – hence why she insists on being called Sylvie.
Love is a dagger.
Aw, why so sad, Loki? Poor dude has tried to redeem himself so many times over the years that he’s starting to lose touch with his good side, it seems.
That and he has the hots for Sylvie.
His own variant.
Love is a dagger. It’s a weapon to be wielded far away or up close. You can see yourself in it. It’s beautiful. Until it makes you bleed. But ultimately when you reach for it, it isn’t real.
More quotes from season 1, episode 3
Must of this episode is action, rather than wise words. But there are a few more good quotes to share from season 1, episode 3 – Lamentis.
Brute force is no substitute for diplomacy and guile. – Loki
Loki: How do I look?
Sylvie: Like someone with a shit plan.
Sylvie: You’re not a serious man.
Loki: You’re right. I’m a God.
Sylvie: You’re a clown.
Loki: So on the subject of love, is there a lucky beau waiting for you at the end of this crusade?
Sylvie: Yeah, there is, actually. Managed to maintain quite a serious long-distance relationship with a postman whilst running across time from one apocalypse to another.
Loki: And with charm like that, who could resist you?
The Nexus Event: Season 1, Episode 4

Oh my, Loki episode 4 left me in a tizzy! The Nexus Event has me questioning everything.
Mobius and Hunter B-15 got some serious explaining to do! And don’t even get me started on Loki and Sylvie’s chemistry. Is it weird? Is it not?
Who cares, give me more!
But seriously, this episode gave us some major plot development and answered some questions while leaving us with even more.
Can we just fast forward to the next episode already? This show is just getting too good!
Here are some of the best lines and key moments from episode 4, The Nexus Event.
So I’m just supposed to take the word of two Lokis?
Mobius is hesitant to believe what he’s hearing from Loki and Sylvie in regard to the TVA fakeness.
And Loki confirms what we’ve all been feeling pretty much from episode 1 – there’s totally a bromance going on between these two.
Mobius: So I’m just supposed to take the word of two Lokis?
Loki: How about the word of a friend?
You could be whoever, whatever you want to be. Even someone good. I mean, just in case anyone ever told you different.
Mobius goes against the teachings of the Time Variance Authority and tells Loki that he CAN be good.
That he does have control over who he is and how his life turns out. That he has free will. WOW.
You fell for yourself.
Ever the good friend, Mobius serves as both hype man and realist – especially when he calls Loki out on his weirdo romance with Sylvie.
It’s the Apocalypse. Two variants of the same being. Especially you, forming this kind of sick, twisted romantic relationship. That’s pure chaos. That could break reality. It’s breaking my reality right now. What an incredible, seismic narcissist. You fell for yourself. – Mobius to Loki
More quotes from season 1, episode 4
Here are some more good lines and moments in season 1, episode 4 – The Nexus Event.
I looked happy. – Hunter B-15
For all time. Always. – Hunter B-15
You are alone and you always will be. – Sif to Loki
The universe wants to break free, so it manifests chaos. – Sylvie
I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve been killed, so go ahead, do your worst. – Loki
Welcome to the real world. Down there, we’re awful to one another to get what we want. – Loki
Sylvie: Do you think what makes a Loki a Loki is the fact we’re destined to lose?
Loki: No. We may lose, sometimes painfully, but we don’t die. We survive.
Loki: You know, of all the liars in this place, and there are a great many, you’re the biggest.
Mobius: Why? ‘Cause I lied about your girlfriend?
Loki: Oh, no. That I can respect. I mean, the lies you tell yourself.
Mobius: You know what occurred to me? That you’re not really the God of Mischief.
Loki: Oh, here it comes. The folksy dopey insult from the folksy dope. What am I? The God of Self-Sabotage, yeah? The God of Backstabbing?
Mobius: Just kind of an asshole and a bad friend.
Journey Into Mystery: Season 1, Episode 5

Oh boy, Journey Into Mystery, episode 5 of Loki, was one wild ride!
We finally got a glimpse of The Void, a desolate wasteland that’s home to countless Loki variants that the Time Variance Authority (TVA) have pruned from existence.
Our favorite trickster god, Loki, met a whole bunch of new Loki variants, including Kid Loki, Classic Loki, Boastful Loki, and even President Loki.
But the cherry on top of this nutty cake? Alligator Loki, a Loki variant that’s also an alligator, although fans quickly dubbed him Croki (crocodile + Loki).
Yep, you read that right, an alligator!
The episode was filled with Easter eggs and heartwarming moments that’ll keep you reeling until the next episode.
Here are the best quotes and key moments from season 1, episode 5 – Journey Into Mystery.
Look, it’s been a very, very, very trying past few days.
In season 1, episode 5, Loki is near the End of Time after being pruned and has come upon a group of misfit Loki variants.
And in true Loki fashion, they have divided into two groups: good and bad. Or is it bad and badder?
Anyway, Loki finally meets up with Sylvie and Mobius and give them the rundown on the whole situation.
Look, it’s been a very, very, very trying past few days. Months? I don’t even know how long it’s been since New York. All I know is, I got pruned and I woke up here, and now I’m surrounded by Variants of myself, plus an alligator, which I’m heartbroken to report I didn’t even find all that strange!
All that time I really believed we were the good guys.
In season 1, episode 5, Mobius comes to terms with the fact that all his time at the TVA has been a lie.
And not only that, but he was a part of something bad.
Mobius: All that time I really believed we were the good guys.
Sylvie: Annihilating entire realities. Orphaning little girls. Classic hero stuff.
More quotes from season 1, episode 5
There’s lots of action in episode, but also more one liners and scenes to share from season 1, episode 5 – Journey into Mystery.
I think we’re stronger than we realize. – Loki
Why the hell is there an alligator in here? – President Loki
Don’t die isn’t a plan. It’s a general demand of living. – Loki
I guess when you think the ends justify the means, there’s not much you won’t do. – Mobius
Loki: What will you do at the TVA?
Mobius: Burn it to the ground. Thanks for the spark.
Alligator Loki: ::growl::
Classic Loki: That’s alligator for growling and saying liar at the same time.
Boastful Loki: Well at least my nexus event wasn’t eating the wrong neighbor’s cat!
Sylvie: How do I know that in the final moments you won’t betray me?
Loki: Listen, Sylvie. I betrayed everyone who ever loved me. I betrayed my father, my brother, my home. I know what I did and I know why I did it. And that’s not who I am anymore.
Classic Loki: You really don’t remember him?
Mobius: I mean, the TVA arrested a lot of Lokis. But no, I don’t remember an alligator. I mean. who’s to say he’s even a Loki variant?
Classic Loki: He is green, isn’t he?
Mobius: I don’t know. He could be lying. The long con. Of course, that just makes him more likely to be a Loki. It’s always the game within the game with you guys, which I respect.
Classic Loki: I have to say, it feels odd walking toward the gargantuan creature. Do you have a plan of action?
Loki: Get inside, find its heart or brain or whatever, and then, you know, do it in.
Kid Loki: I mean…
Loki: Okay, just because it’s not complicated doesn’t mean it’s bad.
Kid Loki: It also doesn’t mean it’s good.
Alligator Loki: ::growl::
Loki: See? He’s on board!
Classic Loki: He’s praying. He thinks we’re going to die.
For all time. Always: Season 1, Episode 6

Episode 6, titled For All Time. Always., is a whirlwind of betrayal, heartache, and cosmic implications.
Our hero, or rather, anti-hero, finds himself face to face with Sylvie, his alternate timeline counterpart.
Together, they confront He Who Remains, the creator of the sacred timeline.
But things don’t go as planned (do they ever?), and Loki ends up at a crossroad with a decision that could potentially change the fabric of reality as we know it.
Trust me, you won’t want to miss the final episode of season 1.
Not only is it absolutely epic, but it sets up Phase Five of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Here are the best quotes and key moments from season 1, episode 6.
At the end, it is only He Who Remains.
In the season 1 finale, we finally learn who is at the End of Time from none other than Miss Minutes.
One man’s void is another man’s piece of cake.
After one epic fight in the episode prior, in which Mobius was pruned and sent to the Void, he surprises Judge Renslayer by walking into her office.
To be honest, she’s not all that surprised and basically says if anyone could make it back, it’d be Mobius.
Mobius then blurts out this one-liner. (But we all know it was NOT a piece of cake.)
You can’t kill me because I already know what’s going to happen.
He who remains addresses Sylvie, “Been a long journey for you, hasn’t it? Lot of running. Lot of pain.”
And then addresses Loki, “And you? You’re a flea on the back of a dragon. In for one he** of a ride. But you did manage to hang on. I guess that counts for something.”
You see, He Who Remains knows exactly how everything is going to play out. He knows their past and their future – as well as his.
So when Sylvie keeps trying to kill him, she can’t because he already knows to protect himself.
You know you can’t get to the end until you’ve been changed by the journey.
Things are not going according to plan at the Citadel at the End of Time. Sylvie is understandably frustrated with He Who Remains. She asks, tersely, “Then why are we here?”
But it seems He Who Remains might have a few unwritten pages…
Only one person gets free will. The one in charge.
Mobius and Renslayer continue their argument in her office.
He’s arguing that it’s time to let people know the TVA is a lie, but Renslayer doesn’t see it that way.
She firmly believes, blindly believes, that regardless of whether the Time-Keepers are fake, the TVA was created for a reason.
And she’s willing to give up her free will, and that of others, to keep people safe.
To some of us, new worlds only meant one thing – new lands to be conquered.
In the season finale, He Who Remains explains why he is so fearful of himself and why he decided to take charge and create the TVA. A bit of a history lesson, you could say.
If you think I’m evil, just wait until you meet my variants.
In the season 1 finale, He Who Remains acknowledges that Loki and Sylvie are probably think he’s evil and want to kill him.
But he warns them of what’s to come if things don’t continue as they are at the TVA with this simple line: “Stifling order or cataclysmic chaos.”
This is the only way.
You may hate the dictator, but something far worse is gonna fill that void if you dispose of him. I’ve lived a million lifetimes. I’ve gone through every scenario. This is the only way. – He Who Remains
See you soon.
In the season finale, He Who Remains utters these words after Sylvie stabs him. Who knew such innocent words could also be so terrifying?
More quotes from season 1, episode 6
As if that wasn’t enough, here are more key moments and lines from season 1, episode 6 – For all time. Always.
Evil Loki’s master plan comes together. – Loki
I’ve been where you are. I’ve felt what you feel. Don’t ask me how I know. All I know is I don’t wanna hurt you. I just want you to be ok. – Loki to Sylvie
I’m tired and I’m older. I’m older than I look. This game is for the young, the hungry. I’ve gone through a lot of scenarios trying to find the right person to take this spot. It turns out that person came in two. – He Who Remains
Mobius: For all time.
Hunter B-15: Always.
Loki: He Who Remains.
Sylvie: Not much longer.
Sylvie: Why aren’t we seeing this the same way?
Loki: Because you can’t trust and I can’t be trusted.
He Who Remains: Not what you were expecting, huh?
Loki: You’re just a man.
He Who Remains: Flesh and blood. Don’t tell me I’m a disappointment.
Sylvie: No, just a little bit easier to kill.
Ouroboros: Season 2, Episode 1

Season 2 of Loki is finally here and right off the bat, we jump right back into an action-packed episode.
Ouroboros is an action-packed episode that answers a few questions from the cliffhanger we were left with back in season 1.
For a full recap of what went on, check out my recap of Loki Season 2, Episode 1 – Ouroboros.
Or, for key moments and quotes from this episode, keep on reading this post.
Ravonna Renslayer, you are quite a marvel. I will be proud to lead with you.
In the debut episode of season 2, Loki ends up in the past and happens upon an audio recording of He Who Remains (or perhaps some variant of him) and Ravonna Renslayer.
While we don’t end up seeing the Judge, we definitely learn something big from this one scene.
Perhaps there is far more to her than it seems.
Protect? Is that what you think we’ve been doing?
With the TVA literally and figuratively falling apart, we meet a few new key players hashing out how to move forward, along with Mobius, Loki, and Hunter B-15.
As you might recall from season 1, Hunter B-15 has definitely woken up and realized everything is a lie.
She’s moved on to the anger stage while grieving the loss of her life on the Sacred Timeline.
Protect? Is that what you think we’ve been doing? With all due respect, ma’am, we haven’t been protecting, we’ve been destroying.
Hunter B-15
I have no memory of having my memory wiped.

Mobius is a bit skeptical that his memory was wiped by the TVA. So close, yet so far, Mobes.
The Temporal Loom is the heart of the TVA.
Our new friend Ouroboros, or O.B., introduces us to a new important element at the TVA: the Temporal Loom. And yikes – it’s about to malfunction.
We need to find Sylvie.
Loki states the obvious at the conclusion of the episode. They must find Sylvie to prevent everything from falling apart.
Breaking Brad: Season 2, Episode 2

Season 2, episode 2, Breaking Brad, wastes no time in introducing some new villains.
But don’t worry, our heroes kept at it, determined to save the world. Isn’t that how it always goes?
For a full recap of what went on, check out my recap of Loki Season 2, Episode 2 – Breaking Brad.
Or, for key moments and quotes from this episode, keep on reading.
You quit with the magic and fight fair.
Our friends (and foes) at the TVA are on the hunt for Sylvie. We happen upon Loki, Mobius, and Hunter B-15, who are chasing after Hunter X-5, who has abandoned post and is living his Sacred Timeline life as Brad Wolfe, a famous actor.
Loki uses his powers, of course. I mean, who could blame him. Well, Brad does, that’s who.
It’s you. You’re the problem.
It’s me. Hi! I’m the problem, it’s me.
Brad, I mean Hunter X-5, attempts to manipulate Loki. Taunt him. Get him riled up.
I guess he’s in the anger stage of grief still!
See, I’ve read your file. It’s you. You’re the problem. Every time we’ve ever found a you. Problem is, you think you’re special, but you’re not. So it doesn’t matter what outfit you put on, play dress up or what little lies you tell your friends or even the lies you tell yourself. At the end of the day, you just make everything worse. For Mobius, for B-15, for your mother. ‘Cause that’s what you do. You lose. You’re a loser. Stop trying to be a hero, man. You’re a villain. And you’re good at it. Do that.
You’re the God of Mischief, right?
After getting nowhere with their interrogation of X-5, Mobius and Loki take a break to come up with a new plan.
Mobius: Now, we just have to find a way to get him to admit it.
Loki: He’s the only one who knows where Sylvie is. Just gotta make him talk.
Mobius: Well, come on. You’re the God of Mischief. Right?
I’m not trying to be a hero, Brad. I’m a villain, remember?

Loki comes back stronger than ever, determined to do whatever it takes to get Sylvie’s location out of him.
The TVA is the problem. It’s broken. It’s rotten.
Surprise! The team finds Sylvie and just as it seems they’ve saved the day – they are right back to Chaos.
Sylvie is DONE. She’s exhausted. She’s going home to her simple, boring, action-less life back in Brockton, OK.
Some defense. The TVA is the problem. It’s broken. It’s rotten. I’m going home…if it’s still there.
1893: Season 2, Episode 3

We’re already at the mid-point of season 2 and we’re just now seeing our antagonists – Ravonna Renslayer, Miss Minutes, and Victor Timely.
Victor Timely, of course, is a variant of He Who Remains, which both terrifies and relieves Loki, who was originally on the hunt for Miss Minutes so Ouroboros and crew could fix the Temporal Loom.
For a full recap of what went on, check out my recap of Loki Season 2, Episode 3 – 1893.
Or, for key moments and quotes from the third episode, keep on reading this post.
Oh, don’t get your britches in a stir.
Right off the bat, Miss Minutes brings the sass when she meets with Ravonna Renslayer in 1868.
It’s a bit of foreshadowing of what’s come from our usually cheerful clock.
We need to scale the Loom’s capacity…
All though the Sacred Timeline was pruned in the previous episode, it is starting to grow again.
Ouroboros, Casey, and Hunter B-15 are huddled in the Temporal Loom control room, trying to figure out a plan to quickly prevent a disaster.
We need to scale the Loom’s capacity to manage all those new branches, otherwise it will fail. And the TVA will be destroyed. And we’re all gonna die!
Thor’s not that tall.
While Mobius and Loki are scouring the Chicago World’s Fair for Ravonna Renslayer and Miss Minutes, they run right into an art piece on exhibit that features a wooden carving of Balder, Odin, and Thor.
Naturally, this makes Loki upset because he isn’t featured, but he tries to play it off as if he isn’t bothered.
Temporal. That can’t be a coincidence.
Moving on from the statue of Loki’s family, the duo runs into a sign with a familiar term that piques their interest.
It’s an advertisement for a presentation of Victor Timely and his Astounding Temporal Marvels.
As Mobius says, “that can’t be a coincidence.”
Time is everything.
Loki and Mobius head to the presentation, which opens up with this iconic line from Timely.
But if it can be dreamed, it can be achieved.
As Timely continues his presentation of the Temporal Loom prototype, he utters this line, which I have no doubt is a purposeful twist on Walt Disney’s famous quote, “If you can dream it, you an achieve it.”
Laugh it off as pure science fiction. But if it can be dreamed, it can be achieved. Because all science is fiction until it’s fact!
Victor Timely
I don’t do partners.
After his presentation, folks from the crowd start to approach Timely, wanting to buy or partner with him.
Timely makes it very clear that he doesn’t do partners.
That is the man who is destined to become He Who Remains?
Renslayer and Miss Minutes are also at the presentation and it seems they’re there to talk to Victor Timely. Renslayer has doubts, but not Miss Minutes.
Renslayer: That is the man who is destined to become He Who Remains? You sure your plan is gonna work?
Miss Minutes: I told you. It’s not my plan. It’s his plan. And quit your worrying. With our help, he’ll be all he’s meant to become.
Luminary is the word you’re looking for.
Loki knows a trickster when he sees one, and he calls Timely out on his scamming ways.
Loki: You’re a confidence trickster.
Timely: Luminary is the word you’re looking for.
We can’t fix it without him.
Sylvie has arrived on the scene and just like at the Citadel at the End of Time, she is intent on killing Timely so he can’t become the next He Who Remains.
But Loki tries his best to talk her down from her anger.
I know you just want to be left alone to live a life on your branch. I understand that. But if the Loom fails and the TVA is destroyed, there won’t be a life to go back to. Not for you, not for anyone. And we can’t fix it without him.
There is no “we.” Not anymore.
While Loki is buttering up Sylvie, Mobius is doing the same to Renslayer. He tries to sweet talk her into partnering up with them to save the TVA – but she’s not having it.
No, Mobius. There is no “we.” Not anymore.
Ravonna Renslayer
I’m here because I know what a great man you can become.
Timely, Miss Minutes, and Renslayer escape from the fair and lose their tail, making their way to Timely’s home.
After Renslayer explains who they are and why they are there to talk to him, Miss Minutes gets a little peeved that Renslayer seems to be flirting with Timely a bit.
Well, even before the TVA or her, you created me. And we worked together at the End of Time. I’m here because I know what a great man you can become.
Miss Minutes
This book has defined the course of my life.
This quote from the series brought chills to my spine! Timely talks about how important the book was to him and how the author, O.B., was his idol. WOW.
This book has defined the course of my life. I like to think of it as a correspondence between myself and the visionary author, Ouroboros.
Victor Timely
I have high hopes for this partnership.
Ravonna Renslayer continues to sweeten up Victor Timely, but what does he not do? Partners.
Shortly after, Renslayer finds herself in a life boat, drifting away from the ferry the trio was on, pleasing Miss Minutes.
You heard her, Victor. Partnership. You had to do it.
Miss Minutes
Why didn’t you allow me a real body?
With Renslayer out of the way, Miss Minutes moves in on Timely. She longingly tells the story of how he created her and gave her free will – but only to a point, which saddens her.
She loves him and desperately wants him to love her back, but not as just friends.
More than friends. The war, the TVA, the eons after. I, alone, was by your side. But there was one whim you never allowed me. Why didn’t you allow me a real body?
Miss Minutes
I was entrusted with this mission by He Who Remains, not his Variant.
Despite trying to lose her, Renslayer catches up with Timely and Miss Minutes. She makes it clear that she does not see Timely as He Who Remains, just a lowly variant.
I was entrusted with this mission by He Who Remains, not his Variant. So, from now on, I’m the one in charge. Are we clear?
Ravonna Renslayer
Is this the free will that you were looking for?
By now Loki and Mobius have caught up with the trio and they continue to try to get them back to the TVA to fix the Temporal Loom
Mobius questions Renslayer’s motives, but all that does is set her off.
All that matters is order versus chaos.
Ravonna Renslayer
Be careful what you wish for.
Sylvie has joined everyone and this time it’s just her and Renslayer. The woman who took her free will.
But instead of killing her, she kicks her through a Time Door, back to the End of Time.
It’s power for you, isn’t it? That’s what you want. A seat at the End of Time. Well, be careful what you wish for.
I can tell you, but…
Miss Minutes leaves us off with a big ol’ cliffhanger at the end of episode 3.
Miss Minutes: Well, it was foolish of him to make an enemy out of someone who knows all his secrets. I know a really big one about you. I can tell you, but…
Renslayer: But what?
Miss Minutes: It’s gonna make you real angry.
Heart of the TVA: Season 2, Episode 4

We’re already more than halfway through the second season and I’m starting to get bummed that there’s only two episode left.
For a full recap of what went on, check out my recap of Loki, Season 2, Episode 4: Heart of the TVA.
Or, for key moments and quotes from the third episode, keep on reading this post.
It’s like a snake eating its own tail.
If you’ve read my recap of episode 1, you’ll know the history behind Ouroboros unusual name: it’s a snake that eats its own tail, signifying the circle of life. How fitting.
Clocks don’t tick at the TVA, do they?
When Mobius suggests taking a break for some pie, Sylvie goes OFF on the suggestion. She’s mad that he doesn’t seem to be taking anything that’s going on seriously.
Clocks don’t tick at the TVA, do they? You found out you’re a Variant, and you haven’t even looked, have you? It’s just another bad day at the office for you. Timelines are just lines on a monitor. Doesn’t matter if a few disappear. Because you’ve never bothered to look if one of them was yours. Who cares if a few just disappear? Enjoy your pie.
We are gods.
It sounds like we’re about to end up right where everything started: someone watching over the multiversal timelines to make sure no one acts up.
Loki feels its their duty, while Sylvie feels it’s overstepping.
LOKI: You can’t give people free will and then just walk away, Sylvie. That’s not how it works. Now, for better or for worse, the timelines are free. It’s up to us to protect them. It’s up to us to do better than He Who Remains.
SYLVIE: Sounds like whatever we do, we’re playing God.
LOKI: We are gods.
You’ll never be him.
After Ouroboros and Casey reboot the TVA’s systems, including Miss Minutes, she leaves with this creepy warning to Victor Timely.
It’s time to be brave.
As the crew is gearing up to make another attempt at fixing the Temporal Loom, Timely volunteers himself for going out on the gangway to fix the multiplier.
He’s a bit of an anxious dude, but just this once, he decided it was time to be brave.
Science/Fiction: Season 2, Episode 5

We’re almost at the end of season 2! Here are the best Loki series quotes from Science/Fiction, episode 5.
What I’m about to tell you is going to be hard to believe.
Loki repeats this line several times as he moves through space and time to corral all his pals on their respective timelines so they can save the TVA. Oddly, it works.
Reality isn’t what you think it is.
Loki is trying to convince Don, aka Mobius, to come with him to save the TVA. Don/Mobius has no idea who he or the TVA is.
Loki tells him reality isn’t what you think it is, which I’m not so sure is very convincing or motivating.
But do you know what was? The name Mobius. That’s what gets him to tag along.
Of course I’m selfish.
When Loki is trying to convince Sylvie to come with him to save the TVA, it takes a bit more convincing to get her to tag along.
For once in her life, Sylvie is able to live in peace instead of constantly on the run from the TVA. Why would she help the institution that tried to kill her for almost her whole life?
Of course I’m selfish. I want a life. I want to live. What’s wrong with wanting something, Loki? What do you want?
Sylvie, Loki Season 2, Episode 5: Science/Fiction
We’re all writing our own stories now. Go write yours.
Sylvie advises Loki to go off on his own and enjoy his life instead of trying to save an institution whose mission was to control the lives and stories of others.
I got just the thing.
Sylvie is feeling defeated, even after standing up for herself when chatting with Loki. So she does what any 80s young woman would do and heads to the record store.
The owner pulls out an album he swears will help – Oh Sweet Nuthin by The Velvet Underground.
I got just the thing. This will either cure what’s ailing you or make it a whole lot worse.
Record store owner, Loki Season 2, Episode 5: Science/Fiction
There’s nowhere left to go.
Sylvie’s last words before she turned to spaghetti. They’re out of time – and space.
It’s not about where, when, or why. It’s about who. I can rewrite the story.
By the end of the episode, Loki finally realizes how he can control the time slipping and thereby rewrite the story and save the TVA (and of course, him and his friends).
Aw, our villain is becoming a hero!
Glorious Purpose: Season 2, Episode 6

Season 2 came to a close with one heck of an finale episode. Here are the best quotes from Loki Season 2, Episode 6.
Faster this time.
We pick up immediately after episode 5’s ending, where we see Loki attempting, again and again, to rewrite the story in an attempt to save the TVA and thus his friends.
It’s a bit of a Groundhog Day kind of situation, both funny and frustrating. Loki keeps trying to usher his friends through the scenario, always saying something along the lines of “faster this time,” in each go.
It’s like trying to divide by zero. It can’t be done.
After finally fixing the Temporal Loom, Loki and crew realize that their efforts were futile. The timelines continue to branch and expand, meaning the Loom will just back up again.
Nothing they do will fix it permanently, to which Victor Timely utters this line.
It’s almost as if as soon as the timelines started branching this was doomed to happen.
Sylvie wonders out loud whether this is simply fate; that there’s no way around it. The TVA cannot be saved, though she’s not too pressed because she never thought it should be in the first place.
I’ve been where you are. I’ve felt what you feel. You don’t want this.
After the failure to save the TVA by fixing the Temporal Loom, Loki eventually lands on a plan to rewrite the story of Sylvie killing He Who Remains.
That is, he intends to stop her from doing so, because that is what got them into this whole mess to begin with.
Sylvie is being stubborn and won’t back down, to which Loki tries to persuade her with these words.
If you want me to stop, you’ll have to kill me.
No matter what Loki says or does, Sylvie is intent on killing He Who Remains.
She has a score to settle after her life was nearly taken away and she was forced to grow up in apocalypses across time in order to stay alive. The only way to stop her is to kill her.
So, how many times have you been at this?
Throughout this whole ordeal, He Who Remains has been watching Loki’s attempt to rewrite the story as if they are performing a play.
He gets a lot of pleasure and amusement over Loki trying and failing again and again and again.
Eventually he stops him and lets him know he knows exactly what he’s trying to do.
We die with the dying. We’re born with the dead.
In his conversation with He Who Remains, Loki utters these words.
And if you don’t watch with closed captioning, you might not have picked up that this was actually a quote and not just another fancy retort from Loki.
The quote actually comes from T.S. Eliot’s poem, Little Gidding.
To boil it down as concisely as I can, he essentially is saying he needs to learn from the past mistakes to have a better future.
The Temporal Loom is a failsafe.
He Who Remains explains that the Temporal Loom isn’t failing. It’s doing exactly what it was designed to do and should continue doing.
In other words, it’s not a bug, it’s a feature.
The Temporal Loom is a failsafe. When the Loom is overloaded with branches, it deletes the ones that aren’t supposed to be there. Everything except the Sacred Timeline.
He Who Remains, Loki Season 2, Episode 6: Glorious Purpose
Can’t you see what I’m offering here is mercy?
He Who Remains gets a little cocky when it comes to defending essentially what has become his life’s work.
He sees the TVA as the only way to prevent brutality and devastation by the hands of his variants, which would be worse than not having free will.
You just choose your burden.
Along his journey to rewrite the story to get his desired outcome of saving the TVA and his friends, Loki hops back to when he first meets his BFF, Mobius, for some advice.
Mobius tells the story of a time when he forgot the big picture and made a mistake when he and Ravonna Renslayer were newbie TVA hunters and Renslayer swooped in to cover for him and make things right.
Even if it meant pruning a little boy.
She knew the hard thing to do was the the thing that had to be done. And by hard, I mean impossible. No, there’s no comfort. You just choose your burden.
Mobius, Loki Season 2, Episode 6: Glorious Purpose
But what good is free will if everyone’s dead?
Loki finally catches up with Sylvie again and tells her the dilemma he is in and what he is up to, re: rewriting the story.
Up until now, he hasn’t told his friends when he time slips back in time because doing so could have a negative impact on how the story plays out.
Sylvie is still not convinced. And Loki makes it painfully clear: in order to have free will, they’d all have to be dead.
I know what I want. I know what kind of God I need to be for you. For all of us.
At long last, our villain-turned-hero has figured it out. A way to save the TVA and his friends.
These are his last words before he walks out onto the gangway, without a Temporal Core Suit, on a mission to save it all.
He’s giving us a chance.
Everyone is confused when Loki runs out and locks the door to the gangway area – except Sylvie.
She knows exactly what he’s doing. After all, they are two peas in a pod, you could say.
What are your favorite Marvel Loki series quotes?
We’ve come to the end of our exploration into the best Loki series quotes!
Every episode of the show delivers both hilarious and heartrending words of wisdom from our beloved Trickster God and his sidekicks.
From wise-cracks that make us laugh, to insightful truths that teach us more about suffering and redemption, the cast has something for everyone.
Did your favorite quote make the list? If not, there’s plenty more where these came from – why not take a deep dive into another round of watching the series on Disney+? Who knows what wisdom awaits!
You never know when you might discover a quote that speaks to your soul.
Be sure to tune into Disney+ on October 6 when season two premieres!
So, let’s hear it – what are your favorite Loki series quotes? Share in the comments below.
About the author

Meg Frost is the creator of The Park Pixie, where she covers Disney World, Disney+, and Disney fandom.
She holds an M.A. in Journalism from Northeastern University and B.S. in Communication & American Studies from University of Miami in Florida.
This post was originally published June 28, 2023. It was last updated November 6, 2023 to add new quotes from Season 2, Episode 5.